
Boba Haus Website

This website, Boba Haus, can be accessed at the following address: https://boba.haus. The site primarily focuses on providing information about Boba Tea, Milk Tea, Bubble Tea, and Boba.

Boba Haus Tagline

Boba Haus is recognized by the tagline “Boba Haus.”

Boba Tea

Boba Tea is a popular beverage that is often referred to as Bubble Tea or Pearl Milk Tea. It typically consists of a tea base, milk, and chewy tapioca pearls, known as boba. Boba Tea comes in various flavors and can be customized with add-ins like fruit, jellies, or syrups.

Milk Tea

Milk Tea is a type of tea-based beverage that incorporates milk or dairy alternatives, giving it a creamy and smooth texture. It can be made with different types of tea and is often sweetened to taste.

Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea, another name for Boba Tea, originated in Taiwan. It combines sweetened tea with milk or fruits and includes chewy tapioca pearls or other toppings. The beverage is typically served with a large straw to accommodate the boba pearls.


Boba are small, chewy tapioca pearls that are added to Boba Tea or Bubble Tea. These pearls provide a unique texture and are often sucked up through a straw while enjoying the drink.

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